Could You introduce Yourselves? Maybe say one thing about Yourselves that You never said before. Something that the fans hadn’t heard up till now?
We are Black Line !!! You cannot see it but we are a crazy band who is always playing around and we are not very wise boys…
Our singer Mikaru is becoming amnesic recently ! And Yudai the guitar player likes to make fun of the other members..
Jun the bass player likes to watch his bottom in a mirror !
And Syu the drummer is making us crazy because he says he wants to become a singer !
How did the band form? What is the story behind Your band name?
Mikaru and Syu had a former band called Dio and they wanted to make a new debut stage with a whole new band, beginning of the story. They use a lot of time and energy to find the other 2 members Yudai and Jun. Black Line, the name of the group could be simple at first but we wanted something with a huge impact. We wanted to use the word black absolutely !
If You had to describe You band with only one word, which word would it be and why?
Addiction maybe. The four of us are addicted to music and we would like the world to fall for our music someday…
How would You define Your current music style?
Maybe like a new generation of J-Rock wich destroys everything and make a difference between the musical style and the language. We don’t know for sure yet but we want to make it big and become a real reference in the future.
What are Your musical inspirations? Is Your music influenced by anyone?
We had a lot of influence from Visual Rock of the 90es who had created a huge revolution inside the rock stage in Japan. Bands like X Japan, Luna Sea, L’arc en Ciel…But we also think that our music is a good merge with all the influence we got from the western alternative rock, heavy and loud rock bands.
Do You have any favourite songs to perform? If You do, why those?
We love all of our songs and want to play them all during the show but usually du to the little time on stage we cannot play everything.
You are well known band. What is reaction to Your success? Any particular bad or good experiences?
Au fait, nous ne considérons pas un groupe très connu et peut-être ni dans le futur…(rire) Mais nous ressentons l’amour et la passion de nos fans qui croient en nous. Et ça c’est une situation qui nous rend vraiment heureux !! Nous les remercions sans cesse.
We do not think we are a well known band, yet or in the futur (lol) but we can feel the love and the passion of our fans who believed in us. And that is what makes us love it we thank them all the time !!!
How do You manage to combine Your musician and private life?
To us the most important thing is the change between the private mode and the musician mode. We want to be 100% into something when it has to be. But when we want to relax we do it fully to. And we found the new ideas and the new compositions during those prelaxing periods. Funny right ? (lol)
What are Your aspirations for performing in Poland?
We would like the audience to really feel our music and to take pleasure during the show. We also know that the Polish audience is very passionnate and we hope to live a unic and unforgetable show !
What did You think when You first heard about Poland? Do You have any memories or souvenirs associated with it?
We were very surprised to know that the Jrock movement was so well spread up there, because we don’t know well the Polish scene. We were also surprised to learn that people knew so well the japanese culture. We remember to have been very well welcomed by the Polish people !!!
Have You heard anything about Poland that made You interested in our country?
We have a vision of Poland with a lot of historical elements such as old stones, museums, architecture…Everything is very attractive to us because you cannot see those things in Japanese culture. If we have time we would like to visit quietly !
Do You have any favourite bands? Musicians from outside of Japan?
Hoobastank and Limp Bizkit and John Lennon!!
Many young people want to start their own band. A lot of them are inspired by Your style. Do You have any advice for aspiring artists?
I think it’s more us Black Line who needs some advices from other bands !
We think it is really important to defy everything, to be fearless.. When you have a band life you can have good and bad times. Patience is really important to overcome together all the difficulties. Last thing is to be persevrant. Perseverance makes you strong !
What was the first concert that You went to? What’s the strongest good or bad memory connected to it?
My first concert was “THE ELELPHANT KASHIMASHI” a japanese band. I remember that the singer Koji Miyamoto was very charismatic and a crazy artist. I was really excited i couldn’t sleep afterward. But the morning after i needed to get up early to go to school…
Poland is well known for its beverages and food. Do You have any favorite drinks? Or food? Or maybe there are some that You are interested in trying?
For us it’s gonna be vodka !!! I think Spirytus is polish…Or maybe the name is Spirytusyu. Well, it’s rare to drink so strong alcohol. When Black Line will be in Poland make us drunk from Vodka and your passionnate loves !
What kind of perfume do You use? (This question is our little tradition and fans really wish to know this ;))
Oh this is a very different and interesting question !
Usually every member use is own perfume but the one everybody loves is Black from Bulgari ! If you don’t know it try it it smells sooo good !
Thank You very much for Your time. I hope that Your concert in Poland will bring only good memories and, one day, You’ll wish to come back to our country to perform again.
Thanks for reading untill the end !
We love Poland & Polish BLACKERS!!!
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